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生意编号1155 最近更新2019年05月07日 7946人已浏览

(已失效)Fast Growing Doggie Daycare

艾伯塔省 - 勒杜克宠物店宠物护理
Lisa Srayko


  • 物业类型
  • 物业面积
  • 每月租金 $1
  • 房租押金
  • 月营业额 $1-2万
  • 欠款负债
  • 月毛利润 $1-2万
  • 月净利润 <$5千
  • 库       存 $500***
  • 设施设备 $2万***
  • 应付帐款
  • 应收账款
  • 卖家职责 全职
  • 员工人数 1
  • 成立时间 2014
  • 发布来源 个人
  • ***代表此项不包括在转让价格中


Became single mom - Stress and hours are becoming to much for me to handle


Doggie Daycare, Boarding, Retail, Bath Services and the possibility of Training if you would choose to.

I have recently become a single mom and the stress and hours of owning a business have become to much for me to be able to concentrate on my family. I have owned this business since March 2013 and have worked here since August 2011. I know everything there is to know about this business and am more then willing to tell you everything and show you everything if you so choose.

We are quite a bit different then most daycare's and boarding facilities which makes us stand out against the competition. I have seen how different places run and operate and over the years have developed a calm, inviting, safe and fun environment for all of the dogs.

I am willing to answer any questions you might have.


Monday to Friday 5:30 am to 6:30 pm with Boarding on weekends
Lots of indoor movable fencing, possibility of 2500 sq ft of rubber flooring and about 15 - 20 kennels
There is 1 other daycare in town. We are extremely different from them though and am constantly getting new clients that have gone over there and then came to us because they didn't like how things were there. There is only 2 maybe 3 trainers in the Leduc area and both have basically the same methods to training. There are many different boarding facilities in the area. We are the closest to the airport and have the largest boarding areas.
My plan was to buy a farm and move the boarding to that location, due to the high demand we have had for boarding. The daycare has a lot of room to grow still and we get getting new clients almost daily. Training would be an amazing idea as I get phone calls all the time asking about training and if I know any one other then the 2 or 3 that are currently here.
I will help out as much as I can if you choose
Love for all things dogs and experience with dogs in a group setting would be a must or courses to be taken.


Rent would be renegotiated on a month to month lease
3000 sq ft of open space with an office and bath room.
500 sq ft of office space up stairs

Building is for sale by 3rd party. I would personally suggest moving locations for marketing purposes.
More information available upon request.
