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生意编号14458 最近更新2019年05月07日 5997人已浏览

(已失效)"My First Years" - a Danish designed scrapbook for the Asian market



  • 物业类型
  • 物业面积
  • 每月租金
  • 房租押金
  • 年营业额 <S$5千
  • 欠款负债
  • 年毛利润 <S$5千
  • 年净利润 <S$5千
  • 库       存 S$2.2万***
  • 设施设备
  • 应付帐款
  • 应收账款
  • 卖家职责 全职
  • 员工人数 0
  • 成立时间 2015
  • 发布来源 个人
  • ***代表此项不包括在转让价格中


No time to follow it anymore


My First Years – memories and treasures’ is a truly unique and beautiful illustrated scrapbook which aims to memorize all the precious moments of your babies first years. There is plenty of space for you to write down your thoughts and feelings during pregnancy as well as for first imprints, soft ringlets and all wonderful pictures and precious memories that you should remembering writing down before they vanish with time. Also the album contents plenty of valuable tips and ideas for activities with your child and good advice to cope with some of the small and big challenges that might cross your way when the little one arrives. The album is divided into categories covering all important development stages of your baby and includes pockets for storing valuable items such as the hospital band and first drawings. ‘My First Years’ – memories and treasures comes in three colors, pink for girls, blue for boys and turquoise as unisex. The content is respectively the same.
Extend your album
One of the reasons why ‘My First Years’ - memories and treasures album’ is so unique is its smart ring binder that allows expansion and individualization of the album. It is possible to buy extra pages, photo pockets and plastic pockets so you can decide yourself how much you want to share and store in the album.
In a sale would follow a stocks of about 4000 albums and books and a francise agreement with the mother company in Denmark


It's a very popular product in Scandinavia and we strongly believe there is a great potential here in Singapore as well, but it requires more time than we have to give.
